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A very special esprit

Hotel Lobby

"Time that we take is time that gives us something" (Ernst Ferstl).
An inspiring feeling that frees the spirit.

Morning reading ritual

Being able to retreat and enjoy a leisurely read of the newspaper for once - today reading and browsing without keeping an eye on the time is a small luxury. Maybe you're already looking forward to a holiday novel that you wish to finish in one day. And, having done so, you can then move on to a crime story or anything else that takes your fancy.

Regional and international

You will find latest edition of the German language regional newspaper "Allgäuer Anzeigeblatt" in the lobby each day. There are also regional 'what's on' magazines and weekly publications, so that you know what's happening in Allgäu during your holiday. We will also be pleased to order you favourite newspaper each day and leave it ready for you at breakfast.

Allgäuer Anzeigeblatt